ngx-lehjah is an Angular package that allows you to embed the Lehjah widget in your Angular application via an iframe. This package makes it easy to integrate Lehjah’s powerful accounting system directly into your Angular app.


Install the package using npm:

npm install ngx-lehjah


In your component template, use the ngx-lehjah component to embed the widget:

    [environment]="'sandbox'"  <!-- or 'production' -->


  • business_id: (string) The unique ID of the business on your platform. This is required.
  • public_key: (string) Your Lehjah developer public key. This is required.
  • token: (string) The user authentication token on your platform (e.g., Bearer token). This is required.
  • environment: (string) The environment to use. It can be either sandbox or production. Defaults to sandbox.
  • width: (string) The width of the iframe. Defaults to '100%'.
  • height: (string) The height of the iframe. Defaults to '100%'.

