It provides a powerful interface where you can configure various aspects of your platform without writing any code. This overview will guide you through the key features and settings available in the No-Code Administrator.

no-code administrator overview

Key features

API keys management

One of the first steps to integrating Lehjah is obtaining your API keys. These keys are crucial for authenticating requests and embedding components into your platform. The No-Code Administrator allows you to securely access and manage both your public and secret keys for the sandbox and production environments.

Webhook configuration

Set up and manage your webhook URLs directly from the No-Code Administrator. Webhooks enable Lehjah to notify your platform of key events, such as new transactions or subscription changes. You can configure different URLs for the sandbox and production environments, ensuring that your integration is always in sync with the latest data.

Platform branding and customization

Tailor the look and feel of the Lehjah components to match your brand identity. The No-Code Administrator offers tools to customize the branding, including logos, colors, and other visual elements. This ensures that the embedded components blend seamlessly with your existing platform.

Data connectors implementation

Connect Lehjah to your existing data sources with ease. The Data Connectors feature allows you to link various data streams, enabling automated data flow between Lehjah and your platform. This integration is crucial for keeping your accounting data accurate and up-to-date.

Authentication and custom domain setup

If you’re using Lehjah as a standalone solution, the No-Code Administrator lets you manage authentication settings and configure a custom domain for your portal. Instead of using a Lehjah subdomain, you can provide your users with a fully branded experience using your own domain.

Module configuration for embedded widgets

Control which modules are available to your users through the embedded Lehjah components. The Module Configuration feature allows you to select and activate specific accounting modules based on your needs. Whether it’s invoicing, bank reconciliation, or financial reporting, you have full control over the features that appear in your no-code embedded widgets.

Next steps

Start by navigating to the relevant sections in the No-Code Administrator to configure your platform. Whether you’re setting up API keys, customizing your branding, or integrating data connectors, the No-Code Administrator makes it simple to get Lehjah up and running on your platform.

By leveraging these features, you can create a cohesive and seamless accounting experience that aligns perfectly with your brand and operational requirements.