Lehjah offers two distinct environments to ensure a smooth development and deployment process: sandbox and production. It is crucial to understand the purpose and usage of each environment to optimize your integration with Lehjah.

Sandbox Environment

sandbox is your development and testing playground. It provides a safe space where you can experiment, build, and validate your integration with Lehjah before going live.

Access to the sandbox environment can be requested through https://cal.com/lehjah/request-access.

After you request access, a sandbox account will be set up for you. This account includes everything you need to begin development, from embedded components to API endpoints.

The sandbox environment base url for API requests is https://sandbox-api.lehjah.com. This is important if you are making requests via API.

You should always start your integration in the sandbox environment, thoroughly testing all aspects of your setup before moving to production.

Production Environment

Once your development and testing are complete in the sandbox environment, you can apply for access to the production environment. The production environment is where your live data and real-world transactions take place.

production is designed for fully operational and live use. After gaining production access, you’ll receive the necessary credentials to start using Lehjah in a live setting.

The production environment base url for API requests is https://api.lehjah.com. This is important if you are making requests via API.

Important: Make sure your integration is fully tested and validated in the sandbox before transitioning to production to avoid any disruptions.

API Access and Keys

Upon receiving access to either the sandbox or production environments, you will be provided with two types of keys in your administrator dashboard:

  • public_key: Primarily used for widget embedding and identification. This key is meant to be shared publicly in your frontend code.
  • secret_key: Used for making API requests. This key should be kept secure and never exposed publicly.

Security Tip: Never expose your secret key in client-side code or share it publicly. Always keep it stored securely in your backend.

Both the public and secret keys are essential for interacting with Lehjah’s APIs and embedding the accounting components into your platform. Make sure to use the correct keys for the appropriate environment (sandbox or production) to avoid any conflicts.

Next Steps


Request Sandbox Access

Start by applying for sandbox access if you haven’t already.


Test Thoroughly

Use the sandbox environment to test your integration end-to-end.


Request Production Access

Once testing is complete, apply for production access and begin live operations.

With these environments, Lehjah ensures that your integration is reliable, secure, and ready for real-world use.